- Install Windows 2008 Server Core
- When finished, logon to console with Administrator / <no password>
You will be prompted to change the password. - Install the RealTek network driver, with the command
pnputil -i -a <path to extracted driver files>netrtx32.inf - Configure a (static) IP address
- Enable Remote Firewall Management. This will allow you to manage the firewall from a client PC
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable - Enable Remote Desktop Access, by typing the following commands on the Server 2008 Core console
cscript C:\Windows\System32\Scregedit.wsf /ar 0
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Desktop” new enable=yes - Apply any patches from Windows Update
Fermin Sanchez Central – How to patch Windows Server 2008 Core
- Windows 2008 Server DVD
- Realtek network driver, extracted to a USB stick.
- Download the Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 32-bit
- Install RSAT on a client PC, and then enable it.
- Managing Windows 2008 Server Core Local Settings
- Server Core Installation Option of Windows Server 2008 Step-By-Step Guide
- The things that are better left unspoken – Remotely managing your Server Core using RSAT
- Keith Combs’ Blahg – Windows Server 2008 Core screencast
- Fermin Sanchez Central – How to patch Windows Server 2008 Core
- Smart-X Core Configurator
- Upgrading the RAM on Eee Box
- My Core box. How to turn a near obsolete PC into a Lab Domain Controller.
Installing PHP / MYSQL / WordPress
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