Sheer bloody madness.  First Jesper leaves, now Steve has been re-structured out of a job.  First heard Steve (and Jesper) speak at TechEd 2005 in Brisbane.  I think the talk was “SEC301 – Common security screw-ups we have known and seen.”  Best darn security presentation I’ve ever sat though.  Was worth it for that presentation alone.  From memory, it wasn’t that widely attended either.  People don’t know what they missed, or are going to miss now that Steve is gone.


Friends, as a part of Microsoft’s second round of restructuring, my position was eliminated yesterday and my employment with Microsoft has ended. While there were many rewards that came from my job, the most satisfying element was knowing that our time spent together helped improve everyone—whether at conferences or through this blog, I’ve learned as much from you as you’ve learned from me …
Steve Riley Microsoft Blog: Good bye, and good luck.

Steve’s new blog is here.  All the best for the future Steve.
Update 18/10/2011: Blog gone.  LinkedIn link here.

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