Was asked to extract a list of users, with their internet email address, and Lotus Notes server name, from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Surname Firstname Username CreationTime ActivationTime InternetAddress ServerDN
Roids Emma CN=Emma Roids/O=ABC 22/10/2008 22/10/2008 emma.roids@company.com CN=Noddy/O=ABC
Blimey Cor CN=Cor Blimey/O=ABC 10/11/2008 12/11/2008 cor.blimey@streth.com CN=BigEars/O=ABC
Plod PC CN=PC Plod/O=ABC 12/11/2008 12/11/2008 pc.plod@bluecar.com CN=Bluecar/O=ABC

As the BlackBerry Manager does not give you the option to extract this information, I had to write an SQL query:

use besmgmt;
select DisplayName, UserName, CreationTime, ActivationTime, MailboxSMTPAddr, ServerDN
from dbo.userconfig;

It worked very well.