So you want to move from Blogger to WordPress? I don’t blame you, Blogger has it’s limitations.
The one’s which annoyed me were:
- not being able to use my own domain ( with Blogger.
(yes, I know there are some hacks you can use, but I didn’t want the world to see my underwear was stamped with Blogger). - not being to use meta strings.
- lack of support. You’d identify a bug with Blogger, and Blogger support would say that it would be fixed in a ““future”” release.
So I struck out on my own, and have learnt a few things along the way.
- Moving from Blogger to WordPress was not that easy at the time, but I wrote about how I moved from Blogger here.
- Find a mature WordPress theme, that is being actively developed, and stick with it.
I started out with the Binary Moon theme, which I loved, but there was no active development going on with it. So I switched. - Set up your blog so it’s mobile phone friendly.
The WordPress Mobile plugin is very good, and works with most phones. The WPTouch plugin is better.
I’ve written a series of posts about WordPress Mobile here. - Use TAGS on your post to get people to notice your blog posts.
Because sites like Technorati use tags to aggregate posts. - Enable GZip compression to save your bandwidth, and make pages load faster for readers.
- Enable Expires Headers, so images are cached locally.
- Use a tool like Yahoo! YSlow, to see what other speed improvements can be made.