iPhone with v-Cockpit software running IT WAS CRAP.

Ok, so that’s a tad harsh, but it is overpriced for what it is.

The things that went well:

  • it’s responsive.  More responsive than any other PDA I’ve used to date.
  • the web browser was better than anything else I’ve used on a PDA.
  • the camera was a) basic and b) fast.
  • it’s slim, and I like that.

The things which sucked:

  • battery life,  a day at best.
    To explain, the iPhone was being used as a BlackBerry replacement, so I needed to read email, take calls and use the web browser.
    And one day in, my emails were lost due to a Mobile Mail application crash.  Not happy Jan.
  • the cost of the thing!
    $1000 for the 32GB iPhone.  No protective case included.
  • what’s this “you have to download the iTune application onto your desktop PC, so you can download a app to the phone” requirement?
    No real need for it, unless Apple are trying to craw more personal data from us.

Would I buy one?
Yes, but I would want

  • the price to dropped to $600
  • improved the battery life
  • jail-broken so I can install what I want.

At the current price, the iPhone is too rich for my tastes.

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