On a Friday night, on my way home from work.
Now, sometimes you can fix this by reloading the software on the device. But to do that, you need the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software, the BlackBerry Phone software itself, and a micro-usb cable. All were sitting on my desk at work. Oh, and I’d need to logon to our production BlackBerry server to give myself a new activation password.
Pity the poor non-IT person with this error. Firstly, they probably couldn’t read it. I’m mean, what’s the idea RIM? Is there some sort of Guinness World Record for Smallest Error Message, that you’re trying to win???
And an end-user wouldn’t be able to fix this error. They’d need someone like me to fix it. Actually, if I was in their shoes with a personal BlackBerry, I’d be returning to the phone shop with the words “The bluddy things cattle trucked. I didn’t do nuthing to it. I want a replacement one under warranty. Please.”
Apart from larger error messages, the other thing I’d like to see RIM, is the ability to reload firmware from a micro-SD card. Heck, HTC can do it with their range of devices, which allows me to flash a Windows Mobile device quickly. But no, RIM, you want me to be tethered to a PC to reload software. I don’t understand why.
The “JVM Error 517” essentially means that the BlackBerry phone file system has gotten corrupted, and the phone doesn’t know how to repair itself. There are some who say it’s a hardware problem. Me, I just wanted a working BlackBerry.
As I’m not a addict to the BlackBerry, repairing it waited until Monday. As a refresher, I looked at BlackBerry 101: How to Reload the Operating System on a Nuked BlackBerry
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