This is a “new style” RSA SecurID token.
It, like the older style token, generates a code number every 30 seconds. With the code number, and a PIN code and a username/password, I’m able to logon to my employer’s computers, from anywhere in the world. The SecurID tokens are supposed to be tamper resistant.
In fact, the electronics package is mostly covered in a soft plastic coating. The kind of plastic you might pour over a insect to preserve it. It is fairly easy to remove, so it doesn’t seem that resistant to me. The CR-2032 battery is soldered to the electronics board, so you can’t re-use it.
You’d hear stories about the old token, such as opening the case would cause the SecurID token to immediately disable itself. I was disappointed that the newer model didn’t do that. For those who don’t remember the old token, here’s what they looked like: