What a muppet.
This is what annoys me the most, this stuff. 'Davo waz here'. Can't spell for a starter. Davo was here. What a claim to fame that is. Imagine if he…
This is what annoys me the most, this stuff. 'Davo waz here'. Can't spell for a starter. Davo was here. What a claim to fame that is. Imagine if he…
cool Android Phaser application. It only reinforces your nerdiness… I’d respect you a bit more if you had a coffee cup with this on it: (sadly, the company which makes…
“Dong Natural Massage” as seen in Coburg, Melbourne. For our international readers:
I’m currently looking for a place to live. Now, provided the house/apartment is clean, and the neighbours aren’t drug dealing crack hoes, I’d be satisfied. So the adventure began, looking…
And every time I see it, it has irked me. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. The clothing (Auscam and webbing) suggests post 1986ish digger. You wouldn’t wear…
Driver turns into a one way street, the wrong way, and it's the fault of the GPS: … Unfortunately, police said, drivers use devices almost like a Bible and listen…
'Any pilot given the task of providing a display for the public should set out to thrill the ignorant, impress the knowledgeable, and frighten no one.’ - Squadron Leader Ian…