samba-logo-v1-200x154 The customer reported a problem with our Windows 7 desktop.

Unable to delete the top level folder with Windows 7, but it works with Windows XP.  It must be something you’ve done to Windows 7.

Ok, well the “must be something you’ve done to Windows 7” was unspoken, but that’s where they going to next.

I admit I didn’t do a whole lot of investigating.  In fact all I did a simple Google search “samba vista top level folder”, and the answer is that it was fixed in Samba release 3.0.24.  Which was released SEVEN YEARS AGO.

“Why didn’t you do a lot of investigation?”, I hear you ask.

Because I’m aware that the version of Samba that the customer is using, is so old, it doesn’t even support encrypted passwords.