How to avoid photo cropping by adding a border
So in Notes on ImageMagick’s –border option, I mentioned that I had photos that don’t fit on 6x4 photo paper.Here’s an example which I uploaded to the photo printing website:The…
So in Notes on ImageMagick’s –border option, I mentioned that I had photos that don’t fit on 6x4 photo paper.Here’s an example which I uploaded to the photo printing website:The…
I have photos whose aspect ration are not 1.5, which means they will be cropped when I use 6:4 photography paper.The important thing to remember is that ImageMagick will keep…
This SourceFile ImageSize adipiscing.jpg 2400x2400 dolor.jpg 1920x2400 sit.jpg 1602x2400 ipsum.jpg 1731x2400 consectetuer.jpg 1602x2400 Lorem.jpg 1602x2400 Maecenas.jpg 2400x720 elit.jpg 2400x613 in other words. ExifTool will do that for you: exiftool -csv…
Wow, it was over 11 years ago when I wrote Email file extensions I recommend blocking in email. We migrated off Lotus Notes years ago and I never revisited the…
So I wanted to stamp a large number of photos with a watermark, so I could share printed copies with did it by using FastStone Image Viewer “Tools\Batch Convert…
Was made by Socobell in Melbourne.(image courtesy Carsales)Socobell provides the highest quality plastic injection moulding services to industry. We deliver a complete solution to our clients, from initial product design…
This’ll be an expanding topic I suspect … New-SMBMapping (link) Seems to be the Microsoft’s preferred method. Mapped network drive may fail to reconnect in Windows 10, version 1809 -UseWriteThrough…
and it didn’t work with the NTFS formatted USB stick. Which is the clue to the issue there. Trying to install Windows 10 from a NTFS formatting USB stick will…
Which made Skype, Zoom and Teams conference calls impossible, due to the latency suffered. Latency is what really kills these audio conferencing options. Video conferencing was impossible.So we looked at…
So we’re using Windows 10. And we’ve previously implemented Applocker, which prevents security threats such as Ransomware.Today’s challenge though? Adding a local Canon Inkjet printer.And I’ll need Administrator Rights for…