Installing VLC Media Player in a corporate environment
Queue the Madness song “Baggy Trousers” – “Oh what fun we had …” (Not a lot of fun WAS had actually). A lot of our customers use VLC Media Player. …
Queue the Madness song “Baggy Trousers” – “Oh what fun we had …” (Not a lot of fun WAS had actually). A lot of our customers use VLC Media Player. …
Which is another way of saying Thumbnail view. Annoying if you are wanting to open a picture file for editing. My fix? Check the Default entry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Applications\psp.exe\shell\ open\command and…
Dot-matrix printers, and the ASCII character set, combine to mark great computer drawing. The Mona Lisa ASCII art is the best example I ever saw. ASCII Man demonstrates animated GIFS,…
Want to convert from one audio or video file format to another? Have a look at Super. I'm really impressed with this utility as I needed to convert some AVI…
There is some thought that listening to binaural tones can improve your attention, concentration, and consciousness. What are binaural tones you ask? Good question! Let's go with my simple explanation. …
Use only JPG or GIF graphics ... as these are the most web friendly. I heard that there's GIF87a and 89a. What are the differences? GIF89a allows you to…
I think the Microsoft Windows Media Audio format sucks ... when I can't listen to them in my car, or on my home stereo. Sure I could replace both, but…