More keyboard & dishwasher fun
Was my first attempt at successfully cleaning a keyboard in a dishwasher a fluke? Well no, as it turns out. Today’s candidate? A 2 year old HP branded keyboard. As…
Was my first attempt at successfully cleaning a keyboard in a dishwasher a fluke? Well no, as it turns out. Today’s candidate? A 2 year old HP branded keyboard. As…
Save a Failed Hard Drive in Your Freezer, Redux Years ago we suggested sticking a borked hard drive in your freezer for a chance at recovering your data before the…
Got an old PC which you cannot replace because it’s got a specialised ISA Adapter board in it? ISA, dear reader, was introduced in 1981, with the original IBM PC. …
Everyone I’ve shared this poster: with, has said, “Where did you get it?” Right here: and sonic84 @
I don’t like quoting whole slabs of another blogs posts, but this is worth spreading to a wider audience: … If you only use a single drive attached to an…
Back in 2001, the users were complaining that their computer screens had waves on them. The cause of these “waves” were the HUGE electromagnetic fields being generated by the power…