I run a PowerShell script which checks the health of my 20 SMS 2003 servers.

Sure, I could install Microsoft Operations Manager (Microsoft MOM).  But there is the cost for the physical server, and Microsoft licensing to be considered.

So, instead I make do with the PowerShell script.  It’s saved me from having several server problems becoming noticeable to the customers.  (the latest example is here)

It’s crude, but it checks each of the SMS servers for:

  1. the server is alive, aka “pingable”.
  2. it’s CPU utilisation is <= 20%, and that no individual processor is running at greater than 20%.
  3. that the assorted SMS directories (inbox, Offersum etc.) are being processed.
    If a directory has greater than x files, this may be an problem.
    Curiously enough, Microsoft suggests a 10,000 file threshold.  I set it at 200 files.
  4. enough disk space exists on the SMS package shares.

Future plans?

  1. Write each check out to a log, for availability reporting.
  2. Check for “older than x days” files in the SMS directories.
  3. Make it’s output pretty, most likely via WPF.

You can download the script, and the sample server list file here.

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